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Collection: Carob

Carob is a dense and durable hardwood that reveals multiple colors, such as tan, red, rust, orange, brown, dark brown and chocolate. 

The wood is close grained and finishes well, especially when buffed using compounds.

Still, due to the downside of debris from the large seedpods, flowers, and fruit , carob is not pushed by nurseries and is, therefore, not as readily available as other urban lumber species. 

This makes it a rarer species to come by compared to other types of lumber. 

Also because it is such an appealing and valuable shade tree and is drought tolerant, long-living and relatively non-invasive, carob trees don't have to be removed as often as other trees, and some that have to come down have wood rot.


The scarcity and durability of Carob makes it a highly sought after species for woodworkers. 

Carob wood is found in these kinds of objects:

  • Ornamental work
  • Furniture
  • Cutting boards
  • Charcuterie boards
  • Tables, mantles and shelves
  • Jewelry
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